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image: Wonders of the Solar System, BBC2
in production
Wonders of the Solar System: Empire of the Sun
Our closest star is the strangest, most alien wonder of the solar system. Through modern space exploration, our generation is getting to know the Sun in exquisite new detail. 1 of 5 x 60 min science documentary series presented by Prof Brian Cox for BBC2, directed by Gideon Bradshaw.

Invisible Worlds
Beyond the reach of our naked eyes lies an invisible world. Secret forces and hidden powers touch every aspect of life on earth and shape it in unseen ways. 1 of 3 x 60 min documentary series presented by Richard Hammond for BBC1, directed by Dan Clifton.

Did Cooking Made Us Human?
Could the most crucial moment in our evolution have been when our ancestors made the ultimate leap of imagination: to put food into the flames? 60 min doc for BBC2 Horizon, directed by Charles Colville.

Tough Guy or Chicken: Bangladesh
Five young Brits take on some of the most deadly creatures and hostile places on the planet. 1 of 8 x 60 min reality series for BBC3, directed by Dom Hill.